Mathematics and physics have advanced enough that we now have a great fundamental understanding of space. With that understanding came a theoretical way to open a wormhole through space. After years of research, we are now able to open wormholes, but not for very long, since the energy requirement to keep one opened for more than a fraction of a second is immense.

But what if we opened a wormhole to a place where an enormous amount of energy is located, and used the energy coming out of the wormhole to fuel it?

The Canadian army managed to open such a wormhole. They called it the BUFFER. Their top scientists are now prototyping a portable version that could be used by both military and civilians, and bring a new era of clean and renewable energy.

The technology is still young, and the implications are unclear. Some people are worried about the potential dangers of the BUFFER, and the unknown effects it could have on our planet, or worst, the entire galaxy. A new group, the Liberation Front has risen to oppose the development of the BUFFER before more research is done, and are willing to use force to stop it.

You play as Max, a young but talented soldier who is part of the Canadian army. You were taked with the mission of guarding the laboratory where the BUFFER experiments are taking place. But when the Liberation Front attacks the laboratory, you get caught in the crossfire as the Liberation Front attacks the laboratory. The crossfire isn't only physical though; you will also get confronted with the moral implications of the BUFFER, and will have to make your own choices.